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So who exactly is Team 223 – Xtreme Heat? Team 223 is a group of very bright (if we do say so ourselves) students from Lakeland Regional High School in Wanaque, NJ who love robots and thrive on challenge. We are dedicated, putting in hours every day during “Robotics Season” (January – April), striving to create something extraordinary: a working, successful, and cool robot to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition. In the process, we become a family.


There’s a lot to the kids of Team 223. We are a team that can decimate a pizza in 111.5 seconds, and we can compensate for setbacks nearly as quickly.  We pride ourselves on our looks – between our signature “Flame Pants” and our awesome graphics, we are by far the hottest team at any competition.


More goes into building a robot than you might imagine. While mechanical design and construction are obvious necessities, much more goes on behind the scenes. Organized like a business, we have created a variety of divisions, each critical to our success:

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